Some selected transactions our partners have been involved in include:Reward TechnologyFinance raising for a start up in the global coupon market involving digital and smartphone technology.Finance provided by one of our high net worth investors under the Enterprise Investment Scheme. Beni FoodsMBI of a major food manufacturer supplying sliced cooked meat to the UK retail market.Giga GroupSale of a satellite communications manufacturer selling systems worldwide. Sold to Ultra Electronics plc, a UK listed business.Panther PlatformsSale of a powered access rental business to Lavendon plc, the largest operator in Europe.Belsize EngineeringSale of a specialist engineering business supplying blanked components to major car manufacturers. Acquired by a MBI candidate backed by private equity.Blackstar AmplificationSecondary buy-out of an award winning designer and manufacturer of innovative guitar amplifiers and associated products.Distribution Business MBI of an East Midlands based distribution business in the apparel sector, backed by private equity.Food ManufacturerRefinancing exercise, purchased out of administration. New investor sourced and interim management services provided to assist in new growth strategy.